
Icon of the Anapeson (Unsleeping Eye) by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett.

Icon of Christ the Bridegroom by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett 2014.

Icon of Christ the Bridegroom by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett.

Icon of Christ the Bridegroom by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett.

Icon of Christ the Bridegroom by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett.

Icon of Christ In Glory with Cherubim, Seraphim and symbols for the four Evangelists by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett.

Icon of Christ in Glory with the Saints and Holy Angels by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett.

Icon of Christ the Good Shepherd by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett 2014.

Icon of Christ the Good Shepherd by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett 2014.

Icon of Christ the High Priest by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett.

Icon of Christ Pantocrator (Ruler of All) by the hand of Deacon Matthew, 2014.

Icon of Christ Pantocrator (Ruler of All) by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett.

Icon of Christ Pantocrator (Ruler of All) by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett.

Icon of Christ Pantocrator (Ruler of All) by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett.

Icon of Christ Pantocrator (Ruler of All) by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett.

Icon of Christ Pantocrator (Ruler of All) by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett.

Icon of Christ Pantocrator (Ruler of All) with Holy Angels by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett.

Icon of Christ Pantocrator by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett.

Icon of Christ Pantocrator (Ruler of All) with symbols of the four Evangelists by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett.

Icon of Christ Pantocrator (Ruler of All) by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett 2014.

Icon of Christ the Lord God Almighty by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett 2015.

Icon of Christ "Not Made by Hands" (the Holy Mandylion) with angels by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett.

Icon of Christ "Not Made by Hands" (the Holy Mandylion) with angels by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett.

Icon of Christ "Not Made by Hands" (the Holy Mandylion) by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett.

Icon of Christ "Not Made by Hands" (the Holy Mandylion) by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett.

Icon of Christ "Mourn Not for Me, Mother" by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett.

Icon of the Holy Trinity (The Hospitality of Abraham) by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett.

Icon of the Holy Trinity (The Hospitality of Abraham) by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett.

Icon of the Holy Trinity (The Hospitality of Abraham) by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett.

Epitaphios / Plashchinitsa (burial shroud of Christ) Icon by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett