Gift Ideas

You can begin your home altar with a matched set of icons of Christ and the Theotokos. You can choose from simple icons like this set, or from more complex and ornate icons, and we can quote you prices for any size you might want.

You can begin your home altar with a matched set of icons of Christ and the Theotokos. You can choose from simple icons, or from more complex and ornate icons, and we can quote you prices for any size you might want.

You can begin your home altar with a matched set of icons of Christ and the Theotokos. You can choose from simple icons, or from more complex and ornate icons like these ones, and we can quote you prices for any size you might want.

This simple triptych can be hung on the wall or it can stand freely. You can customize it with any figures you might want. Christ or the Theotokos for the center panel, and your favorite saints for the side panels.

This more complex triptych reveals Christ's face even when closed. It can be hung on the wall or it can stand freely. You can customize it with any figures you might want on the side panels. This particular icon is a Deesis with the Theotokos and Saint John the Forerunner.

An ordination icon features Christ the High Priest in the center with the patron saint of the person being ordained on one side and the parish's patron on the other. This also makes a great gift for an anniversary of ordination.

A family icon brings together patron saints for the parents and children in a family. The children's saints are painted in medallions surrounded by olive branches.